Goodreads Challenge 2022

We are starting a new year, and I'm actually pretty happy about it. 2021 wasn't a very successful year for reading, so I'm hoping/working at reading a lot more this year. That won't necessarily translate into a lot of books, but time spent reading since there are a lot of larger books on my tbr... Continue Reading →

Goodreads Closeout 2021

2020 saw us adapting to quarantines and working/learning from home. 2021 definitely brought some good changes, but it also saw me attached to my phone more and reading less. I also picked up art again and began to work it into my already busy schedule, so my reading for sure took a bit of a... Continue Reading →

Lowdown On…Goodreads Reviews

This Lowdown post concept actually came from a post I saw on the epic reads Facebook group I've been a part of. A member shared an article they had found where someone had written about Goodreads reviews/reviewers, and their thoughts on them. Most of it was a commentary on how bad the reviews on the... Continue Reading →

The Goodreads Challenge – 2021

2020 was an interesting year for reading, so the goals that were set during that year sort of were met, but the reading slumps I hit made things difficult. Going into 2021 I'm not planning to set as big a goal for reading since this year brings a different version of reading for me. For... Continue Reading →

The 2 Month Reading Challenge

As hinted to in my June TBR, I've been struggling with reading ever since quarantine began and I started working from home. In the beginning I thought I had it all under control, but slowly it's become distracted reading instead of the crazed reading I've known in the past. While I'm working on digging into... Continue Reading →

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